§ 25-3. Composition; liability.
The board established by this chapter shall consist of seven (7) members who shall be appointed by the city commission. The initial appointments to the board shall be as follows: Four (4) members whose terms shall expire on June 30, 2012, and three (3) members whose term shall expire on June 30, 2013. Thereafter, all appointments shall be made for a term of three (3) years and shall take effect on July 1st of the year the appointment is made. All members shall be residents of the City of Coral Springs. A member may be removed with or without cause by the affirmative vote of not less than a majority of the city commission.
The city's code enforcement special magistrate clerk shall serve as the clerk of the board. No member of the nuisance abatement board shall be personally liable for any action taken in attempting to perform his duties or for a decision not to act.
(Ord. No. 2011-105, § 2, 7-5-11)