§ 15-8. Installation and maintenance.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The exterior dimensions for newsracks, not less than two (2) and more than six (6) publications, shall be as follows: Each newsrack shall utilize rectangular pedestal(s) with dimensions eight (8) by six and one-half (6½) inches with a height of nineteen (19) inches. Each newsrack shall have dimensions, excluding the pedestal and any slab, which shall have a height of fifty-five (55) inches and a depth (measured from front to back) of sixteen (16) inches. Each newsrack compartment in a newsrack shall have a width of twenty-four and one-eighth (24 1/8 ) inches, as measured across the front of the newsrack compartment. Each newsrack shall contain no more than six newsrack compartments. The width of each newsrack shall not exceed seventy-two and one-half (72½) inches, as measured across the front of the newsracks. The newsrack shall be of a "K" style, "TK" style, or free style.


    Newsracks shall have gloss pedestals, gloss sides and door and gloss coin box, coated per standard specifications. The color of all newsracks being installed pursuant to this chapter shall be "Coral Springs Green" as identified by the City of Coral Springs Architectural Review Guidelines Color Palette.


    Newsracks shall carry no advertising except the name of the publication being distributed and cardholders kept in neat and untorn condition describing the publication being distributed.


    Newsracks for free newspapers may omit the coin box and may have the pull bar welded to the door to produce an "honor rack."


    Newsracks shall be maintained in good working order at all times, freshly painted with unbroken hoods.


    The name, address, and telephone number of a responsible person who may be contacted at any time concerning the newsrack shall be displayed on the hood of the newsrack in such a manner as to be readily visible and readable to a prospective customer thereof.


    Newsracks may have a color band consisting of one color selected by the distributor from the City of Coral Springs Architectural Review Guidelines Color Palette, which shall have a height of two and one-half (2½) inches. Distributors may place lettering within the color band not to exceed two and one-half (2½> inches in height on the front, side, and back of each newsrack provided such lettering is either in black or white.

(Ord. No. 98-122, § 2, 4-6-99)