§ 2-2. City commission meetings generally.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Ground rules for behavior of members of the city commission. The following shall constitute the guidelines for behavior to be adhered to by members of the city commission in their respective roles as elected public officers of the city:


    Members of the city commission shall:


    Forgive each other;


    Each conduct themselves with dignity;


    Agree to disagree with each other; and


    Show respect for the points of view of other members of the city commission.


    Members of the city commission shall not:


    Falsely accuse another member of the city commission of wrongdoing;


    Criticize each other in a rancorous or unprofessional manner;


    Make personal attacks on another member of the city commission; or


    Individually act without the support of the city commission.


    Procedures and scope.


    The Charter of the City of Coral Springs provides that the city commission may determine its own rules of procedure. All other municipal meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the procedural requirements as established by Roberts Rules of Order, said rules of order being incorporated into this section by reference.


    The city commission, the city manager, the city clerk, and the public shall be governed by the terms, conditions, and provisions of this section as the basis and framework for procedures of the city commission.


    Members of the city commission and other public officers attending or participating in any regular OR special meeting of the city commission shall abide by the standards of conduct and values set forth in the City of Coral Springs Code of Ethics for Public Officers.


    Agenda. The city clerk shall prepare the agenda for each city commission meeting. Anyone requesting to address the city commission may be scheduled on the agenda by giving to the city clerk's office their name, address, phone number and subject on which they wish to address the city commission pursuant to subsection (g).


    Duties and responsibilities of mayor.


    The mayor or presiding officer at any regular or special meeting of the city commission shall only introduce agenda items by the agenda item number and the brief title as listed on the agenda with no further explanation or comment. Thereafter, the mayor or presiding officer may call on the city manager, and the city manager or his or her designee shall furnish a brief explanation of the item under consideration. The item shall then be opened for public hearing or discussion by the city commission as required for the particular item under the time limits imposed by this section.


    Any comments or questions by the attending public shall be directed to the mayor or presiding officer. Members of the city commission shall direct all comments and questions on the subject matter being discussed to the mayor or presiding officer only and shall not engage in cross conversations with other members of the public or direct any questions to other members of the city commission or to the public. The mayor or presiding officer shall not unreasonably withhold or delay recognition of any member of the city commission desiring to speak. The mayor or presiding officer shall recognize other members of the city commission in rotation and not call on any member a second and subsequent time until such time as all members of the city commission shall have had the opportunity to speak.


    If the mayor or presiding officer desires to participate in a discussion, he or she shall do so only when the speaking member of the city commission has relinquished the floor. The mayor or presiding officer shall not interrupt a speaking member of the city commission for the purpose of comment.


    The mayor or presiding officer shall not use his or her power as chair to dominate debate or discussion, nor shall the mayor or presiding officer unreasonably cut short or prolong any debate, discussion, or taking of a vote.


    Motions to change the order of business shall require a majority vote of the city commission.


    A member of the city commission may not reintroduce any discussion item that has failed due to lack of second for at least six (6) months after the motion failed, unless either an emergency exists and the public business requires reconsideration of the item, or a member of the city commission who was on the prevailing side of the prior vote, introduces the discussion item for reconsideration.


    The mayor or presiding officer, in consultation with the city attorney, shall make rulings on parliamentary procedure. At least three (3) votes of members of the city commission is required to overrule the mayor or presiding officer on rulings of parliamentary procedure.


    The mayor or presiding officer may, during city commission proceedings, request that the city commission move on to the next item on the meeting agenda by voting or otherwise.


    Time of meetings. All regularly scheduled meetings of the city commission shall begin and end at such times as determined by the city commission. By majority vote of those present, the city commission may extend the length of the commission meeting. Agenda items scheduled but not considered during a meeting shall be automatically set over by the city clerk to the next city commission meeting or may be considered at a special meeting called for that purpose in the manner provided for in section 2-1 of the Municipal Code. In setting matters over to the next meeting or a special meeting, the city clerk is directed to take into consideration all notice provisions relative to municipal ordinances and, specifically, F.S. § 166.041.


    City commission discussion.


    Discussion by a member of the city commission shall not be limited, unless a motion to limit debate is made and adopted. Each member of the city commission shall be afforded the opportunity to offer rebuttal to each item discussed. A motion to limit debate shall take precedence over all motions, except a motion to adjourn, a point of order, or a motion to table. The motion to limit debate shall not be debated and, to be adopted, shall require an affirmative vote of at least four-fifths ( 4/5 ) of the members of the city commission present.


    Each member of the city commission and the public who desires to speak shall address the mayor or presiding officer, and upon recognition by the mayor or presiding officer, shall confine himself or herself to the issues under debate, avoiding all personalities and indecorous language.


    Members of the city commission shall not interrupt anyone who has the floor, unless it is to call the meeting to order, or as otherwise provided in this section. If a member of the city commission desires to direct questions to another member of the city commission or the public, the questions shall be directed to the mayor or presiding officer who in turn will recognize the individual who wishes to answer the specific question. If a member of the city commission wishes to direct a question to city staff, the question shall be directed to the city manager, through the mayor, who will, in turn, recognize such member of city staff.


    While the city commission is in session, members of the city commission and the public present at the meeting shall not, by conversation or otherwise, delay or interrupt the proceedings nor the peace of the city commission.


    Members of the city commission may request that the mayor or presiding officer recess the public meeting.


    Public comment.



    The public shall have the opportunity to be heard on a proposition and/or item before the city commission in accordance with F. S. § 286.0114, as amended from time to time. Anyone who wishes to speak on a proposition and/or item before the city commission shall have an opportunity to speak during the public comment portion of the meeting. Each speaker shall follow any requirement and/or procedure provided for by state law or that may be set by the city commission.


    The city commission of the City of Coral Springs, on each day that a regularly scheduled meeting is to be held, shall convene as determined by the city commission. Public comment shall be entertained immediately following the recognition portion of the meeting, unless otherwise determined by the city commission. Anyone desiring to address the city commission during public comment must submit a written request to the city clerk prior to the public comment portion of the meeting. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the mayor or presiding officer shall have the authority within their discretion to waive the written request requirement above. Speakers for public comment will be recognized to speak in the order in which the written requests were received by the city clerk. Should the mayor or presiding officer waive the written request requirement for a particular speaker, that speaker may speak after all people who have submitted a written request have spoken.


    Each written request to speak during the public comment portion of the city commission meeting shall succinctly detail the matter to be brought before the city commission, and shall contain the name, address, and phone number where the speaker can be reached if the need arises; and shall be dated and signed by the speaker.


    Subject to the waiver rule contained within this section, a speaker's time during public comment shall be limited to three (3) minutes. The city clerk shall be charged with the responsibility of notifying each speaker thirty (30) seconds before said time shall elapse and when said time limit has expired.


    Waiver of rules. By majority vote the city commission may invite discussion from the public on any proposition/agenda item and thereby waive the proscriptions otherwise outlined in this section. In every case where a speaker is recognized by the mayor to discuss an agenda item, the speaker shall step to the podium, state his or her name and address for the benefit of the city clerk, and identify any group or organization he or she represents. The speaker shall then succinctly state his or her position regarding the item before the city commission.


    Decorum to be maintained. Order shall be maintained at each city commission meeting and the mayor is hereby empowered to order from the room any person who refuses to comply with the rules and regulations outlined in this section.


    Nothing herein shall be construed to limit any member of the public from expressing their opinions outside of a public meeting or by expressing their opinions in written form to the city commission.


    Application to city boards. All references in this section to "city commission" shall also mean the various city boards provided for in this code or created by the city commission.


    Special meetings. Special meetings of the governing body shall be called solely for specific and stated purposes only. It is the intention of the city commission that no items shall be added to a special meeting agenda other than those items for which the meeting was called.

(Ord. No. 74-108, §§ 1, 2, 5-7-74; Ord. No. 74-164, § 1, 12-3-74; Ord. No. 76-154, § 1, 11-16-76; Ord. No. 81-103, §§ 1—4, 3-3-81; Ord. No. 89-105, § 1, 3-21-89; Ord. No. 91-128, § 1, 7-2-91; Ord. No. 95-041, § 2, 6-20-95; Ord. No. 2002-103, § 2, 3-4-03; Ord. No. 2013-121, § 2, 10-2-13)