§ 26-6. Revenue sources for utility.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The stormwater collection program funding sources shall include the following:


    Stormwater collection utility non-ad valorem assessments;


    Civil penalties and damage assessments imposed for or arising from the violation of section 26-11, as amended;


    Engineering division permit and inspection fees for stormwater activities, such as (but not limited to), the improvement, alteration, repair, or certification of stormwater facilities;


    Other funds or income obtained from federal, state, regional, local, and private sources identified for stormwater collection program purposes, including grants or revolving Funds; and


    The allocable amount of proceeds from the sale of bonds issued to fund projects or improvements to the stormwater collection program as determined by the city. The stormwater collection program funding may include other sources of revenues.


    Insufficiency of assessment revenue. If the assessments collected are insufficient to finance the base rate in any given fiscal year, the city, subject to approval by the city commission, may pay the cost of the program from other city funds.

(Ord. No. 2018-110, § 3, 11-28-18)