§ 26-3. Creation of utility.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Establishment of utility. Pursuant to the home rule power of Article VIII, Section 2(b) of the Florida Constitution, F.S. ch. 166, as amended, and F.S. §§ 403.0891 and 403.0893, as amended, the City's Charter, and the Code of the City of Coral Springs, the city hereby creates and establishes a stormwater collection utility to carry out the city's stormwater collection program.


    The public works director, or their designee, shall have the authority to do the following:


    Adopt any administrative policies or procedures required to implement the regulations or carry out other responsibilities for the effective administration of the program;


    Administer the acquisition, design, construction, maintenance, and operation of the city's stormwater collection system, including approved capital improvements designated in the stormwater collection program;


    Administer and enforce this article and all policies and procedures adopted relating to the level of service, design, construction, maintenance, operation, and alteration of the system, including but not limited to the quantity, quality, or velocity of the stormwater conveyed;


    Advise the city commission, city administration, and other city departments on matters relating to the program;


    Assist in the enforcement of regulations to protect and maintain water quality within the system in compliance with established federal, state, and local water quality standards as adopted or amended;


    Seek any grant capable of funding capital improvements for stormwater collection, subject to such grant being approved by the city's governing body;


    Assist in the annual preparation and monitoring of the operations and maintenance budget for the stormwater collection program;


    Assist in the annual review, adjustment, and monitoring of a proposed capital improvements schedule and budget for the stormwater collection program;


    Assist the city, as needed, to advise on what portions of such capital improvements schedule and budget or other items are appropriate for inclusion in bond financing; and


    Assist the city in its review of the base rate to achieve a stable financial position for the program by analyzing and recommending changes to:


    The cost of services and benefits provided;


    The system and structure of the stormwater collection assessment, charges, fines, and revenues of the program;


    The long range plan for necessary construction, extension, replacement, and enhancement of the stormwater collection system to accomplish the objectives and purposes of this article; and


    Any other factors relevant to maintaining a stable financial position.


    The city engineer shall:


    Review, approve or deny plans, and perform construction permit inspections for extensions to the system;


    Be the administrative official empowered to interpret and apply the provisions of this chapter.

(Ord. No. 2018-110, § 3, 11-28-18)